The definitive Swearnet Episode list

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Three Good Men are Dead
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Season 7
Three Good Men are Dead
Angered when Mr. Lahey doesn't finish their paperwork for search warrants against Julian and J-Roc, officers George Green and Ted Johnston attempt to kill him, Randy, and Phil Collins. Lahey hatches a scheme to have Green and Johnston arrested, but will Ray go along with it?
I Banged Lucy and Knocked Her Up...No Big Deal
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Season 7
I Banged Lucy and Knocked Her Up...No Big Deal
J-Roc and his crew are cashing in by stealing luggage at the airport and selling the merchandise travelers's bring home from Europe, and Julian wants in. Ricky finally realizes he couldn't be the father of Lucy's baby and resolves to find out who she banged. No longer working with the boys, Bubbles takes up model trains as a hobby.
I Fuckin' Miss Cory and Trevor
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Season 7
I Fuckin' Miss Cory and Trevor
With Cory and Trevor in a mental institution, Ricky and Julian hatch a new money-making scheme by stealing and reselling meat from the grocery store. Meanwhile, Lucy's pregnant and more demanding of Ricky. Desperate for cash, Julian takes a job delivering pizza. Ray discovers there's money to be made in scrap metal, while Bubbles resolves to stop working with the boys for good.
The Movie
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The Movie
The Movie
In this feature-length adventure, Ricky, Julian and Bubbles -- just out of jail -- plan the lamest scheme yet: to get rich by stealing tons of change.
Gimme My Fucking Money or Randy's Dead
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Season 6
Gimme My Fucking Money or Randy's Dead
Lahey attends a hearing in hopes of becoming reinstated as a police officer. Sam takes Randy hostage. Ray becomes Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor.
Halloween 1977
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Season 6
Halloween 1977
Mr. Lahey discovers video footage proving that Ricky, Julian and Bubbles got him fired from his job as a police officer nearly 20 years ago.
Where In the Fuck Is Oscar Goldman?
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Season 6
Where In the Fuck Is Oscar Goldman?
Trinity may fail grade 6 because the boys lost her science project; a chicken named Oscar Goldman.
High Definition Piss Jugs
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Season 6
High Definition Piss Jugs
Channel 10 News comes to Sunnyvale to do live news segments on Kittyland and Cory and Trevor's convenience store.
The Cheeseburger Picnic
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Season 6
The Cheeseburger Picnic
Randy invites everyone to a cheeseburger picnic. Ricky uses Trevor to help him with his newest venture. Lahey pretends to be drunk.
Way of the Road
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Season 6
Way of the Road
Bubbles opens the Kittyland Love Centre. Randy and Mr. Lahey break up. Ray gets kicked out of the park. J-Roc reveals that he's going to be a father, twice.
The Shit Blizzard
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Season 5
The Shit Blizzard
Bailed out of jail by Randy, Cyrus and his gang head to Sunnyvale to go after Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles for getting them busted and taking their hash.
I am the Liquor
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Season 5
I am the Liquor
Ricky bails Trinity out of jail. Lahey goes on a massive bender and tricks Cory and Trevor into telling him about the hash driveway.
Dressed All Over & Zesty Mordant
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Season 5
Dressed All Over & Zesty Mordant
Julian’s biggest money-making scheme involves smuggling the hash using the shopping carts at a local mall. Ricky lets Trinity drive the shitmobile.
The Winds of Shit
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Season 5
The Winds of Shit
Ricky attempts to go back to school but ends up getting a job as a janitor at Dartmouth Regional Vocational School, where he sells dope to students. Lahey, meanwhile, has visions of “the winds of shit” that imply bad things will happen.
Don’t Cross the Shitline
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Season 5
Don’t Cross the Shitline
Ray and Bubbles star in another one of J-Roc’s greasy porn films titled J-Roc’s Greasy Trailer Park Girls Gone Wild. Lahey and Randy confiscate J-Roc’s porno tape, which contains evidence to get Ray busted for disability fraud.
Jim Lahey Is a Fuckin’ Drunk and He Always Will Be
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Season 5
Jim Lahey Is a Fuckin’ Drunk and He Always Will Be
Bubbles pretends to be a spaceman when the boys steal a rocket set. Ray reveals Lahey’s secret.
You Got to Blame the Thing Up Here
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Season 5
You Got to Blame the Thing Up Here
Ricky, Julian and Bubbles help Ray find a new home after his trailer has burned down from a fire which Ricky caused, however it is Bubbles who is getting the blame.
The Fuckin’ Way She Goes
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Season 5
The Fuckin’ Way She Goes
Ricky, Julian and Bubbles hide all of their hash by turning it into a driveway for Ray’s trailer. Ray’s addiction to gambling and liquor gets even worse. Ricky barbecues for his family, with devastating effects.
The Shit Puppets
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Season 5
The Shit Puppets
Cory and Trevor start working for Julian since the restraining order prevents them from working for Ricky. Julian, Cory, and Trevor steal hash from Cyrus, Terry, and Dennis and hatch a plan to hide it all until they can find a buyer.
Give Peace a Chance
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Season 5
Give Peace a Chance
After a brief stint in jail, Ricky, Julian and Bubbles make a return to Sunnyvale Trailer Park in style. Unfortunately, while the Boys were incarcerated, Trevor and Cory have lost the park-buying fund, and Lahey and Randy have bought Julian’s trailer with crime proceeds.
Workin' Man
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Season 4
Workin' Man
Beginning immediately where the previous episode left off, the arrow strikes and the propane-soaked trailer explodes.
Propane, Propane
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Season 4
Propane, Propane
The Boys are excited. The dope is ready to harvest and J-Roc and DVS have presented them with a plan to sell it at a Snoop Dogg concert in Moncton. All the guys have to do now is harvest their weed, put it in a truck and deliver it.
If You Love Something, Set It Free
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Season 4
If You Love Something, Set It Free
Something or someone has been stealing - or possibly eating - weed from the Boys' dope fields. The Boys stake out the field at night to get to the bottom of the problem.
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Season 4
Mr. James Lahey is once again the Sunnyvale Trailer Park Supervisor and is savouring every moment. He's already holding a bake sale to raise money for a fund that he can use at his discretion for the betterment of Sunnyvale.
The Green Bastard
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Season 4
The Green Bastard
Today is Lahey's day. Despite the fact that he is no longer the Sunnyvale Trailer Park Supervisor, it seems that Jim Lahey has won the prestigious International Trailer Park Supervisor of the Year Award and they're presenting him with the award today.
Rub 'n Tiz'zug
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Season 4
Rub 'n Tiz'zug
Julian is trying to get some sleep in his empty trailer (the furniture was moved out long ago to make room for dope plants) and has to sleep on the floor and cover himself with an old bear rug.
A Man's Gotta Eat
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Season 4
A Man's Gotta Eat
Julian and Bubbles get out of the drunk tank and come home to Sunnyvale Trailer Park only to discover that Ricky has run up thousands of dollars of debt in Julian's name.
Never Cry Shitwolf
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Season 4
Never Cry Shitwolf
After Ricky's botched bank machine robbery in the last episode of season three, Julian, Mr. Lahey and Randy end up where Ricky should have been – in prison.
A Shit Leopard Can't Change Its Spots
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Season 3
A Shit Leopard Can't Change Its Spots
When he realizes that he has no ticket for the upcoming cruise and is being evicted from the trailer park, Ricky is determined to go back to jail.
The Delusions of Officer Jim Lahey
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Season 3
The Delusions of Officer Jim Lahey
The Boys are playing a game of road hockey in front of Mr. Lahey's trailer. It's a difficult day for Mr. Lahey, as it's the anniversary of his dismissal from the police force.
Where In the Fuck Is Randy's Barbecue?
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Season 3
Where In the Fuck Is Randy's Barbecue?
As part of his ongoing strategy to commit several small crimes rather than try for the big score, Julian comes up with the plan to remarket barbeques. Ricky, always ready to take Julian's plans one step farther, enlists the support of his daughter Trinity and her friends from the Junior Achievers' Program at school.
Closer to the Heart
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Season 3
Closer to the Heart
Bubbles is beside himself with excitement when he hears that the legendary Canadian rock band RUSH will be playing a concert in town. RUSH is Bubbles's favourite rock band, and Alex Lifeson is his favourite guitar player.
Who's the Microphone Assassin?
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Season 3
Who's the Microphone Assassin?
J-ROC shoots a music video in the park to help promote his new CD "J-ROC And Friendz". The "Friendz" include such artists as Dr Dre, NWA and Moncton recording artist Detroit Velvet Smooth.
If I Can't Smoke and Swear, I'm Fucked
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Season 3
If I Can't Smoke and Swear, I'm Fucked
Having lost all his money on the vodka operation, Julian is flat broke. Needing cash, but not wanting to go back to jail, Julian realizes he has to come up with a new plan.
Temporary Relief Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor
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Season 3
Temporary Relief Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor
Ricky is broke again and back living in his car. Julian refuses to loan him any money to buy weed. Bubbles can't loan Ricky anything either as all his money is tied up with Julian's long-term investments.
The Bare Pimp Project
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Season 2
The Bare Pimp Project
It's Freedom 35 day, the day when Julian will sell all the dope to the prison guards. It's also a big day for Ricky. Not only will he be rich, he'll also have his grade ten, assuming he passes his exam. Adding to Ricky's stress, Cyrus will also be taking the exam.
Never Trust a Man with No Shirt On
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Season 2
Never Trust a Man with No Shirt On
After constant power interruptions at the same time every night, Lahey and Randy suspect that Ricky and Julian are up to something.
The Bible Pimp
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Season 2
The Bible Pimp
Door-to-door Bible-selling salesman Hampton and his diabetic daughter Tanya visit the park to convert the heathen, or failing that, sell lots of Bibles.
A Dope Trailer Is No Place for a Kitty
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Season 2
A Dope Trailer Is No Place for a Kitty
Ricky's entire dope operation is threatened by an infestation of 'black things' that covers all but six of his plants.
I've Met Cats and Dogs Smarter Than Trevor and Cory
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Season 2
I've Met Cats and Dogs Smarter Than Trevor and Cory
Julian's prison guard contacts tell him that they need much more dope than they thought. Ricky freaks. The only way he can meet the demand is to buy more dope-growing equipment, but that's expensive.
Jim Lahey Is a Drunk Bastard
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Season 2
Jim Lahey Is a Drunk Bastard
Still reeling (and drunk) from losing Randy to Lucy, trailer park supervisor Jim Lahey is confronted by an angry mob of park residents who are fed up with burning cars, uncollected trash and bottle-throwing kids roaming the park. They demand he take action to clean up the park or lose his job. The news gets back to trailer park owner Barb Lahey who tells Lahey that an election will be held for a new trailer park supervisor.
What in the Fuck Happened to Our Trailer Park?
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Season 2
What in the Fuck Happened to Our Trailer Park?
After nearly six months of jail time, Ricky and Julian return to find that Sunnyvale is a disaster; Randy has left Lahey and is now involved with Lucy, while Lahey is now in a constant state of depression and insobriety. Meanwhile, Julian and Ricky have a new scheme to sell dope to the local prison guards, which they call 'Freedom 35'.
The Kiss of Freedom
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Season 3
The Kiss of Freedom
After their release from prison, Ricky and Julian are not only free men, they're rich, thanks to their huge dope sale to the prison guards at the end of last season.
Who the Fuck Invited These Idiots to My Wedding?
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Season 1
Who the Fuck Invited These Idiots to My Wedding?
In order to ensure his plan succeeds, Julian takes over the preparations for Ricky and Lucy's wedding. In order to provide food for the wedding feast, Julian teams up with Bubbles, Cory, and Trevor to rob a local grocer.
I'm Not Gay, I Love Lucy... Wait a Second, Maybe I am Gay
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Season 1
I'm Not Gay, I Love Lucy... Wait a Second, Maybe I am Gay
Weary of Lucy's continued attempts to seduce him, Julian decides to play matchmaker and convinces Ricky to marry Lucy. Providing Ricky with the means to do so, however, proves to be more complicated.
Mrs. Peterson's Dog Gets Fucked Up
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Season 1
Mrs. Peterson's Dog Gets Fucked Up
Julian introduces his beloved neighbor, Mrs. Peterson, an elderly widow who believes Julian is her grandson. Julian agrees to mind Mrs. Peterson's dog Sparky while she undergoes surgery, but later leaves the dog with Ricky in order to run an errand. The situation quickly deteriorates when Sparky accidentally eats some of Ricky's weed-brownies, forcing the Boys to seek help from the local veterinarian, Sam Losco.
Mr. Lahey's Got My Porno Tape!
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Season 1
Mr. Lahey's Got My Porno Tape!
In desperate need of $2,000 to buy some hydroponics gear for his dope-growing business, Ricky reluctantly agrees to star in one of J-Rock's (Jonathan Torrens) amateur porn films to be shot in J-Rock's trailer.
Fuck Community College, Let's Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers
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Season 1
Fuck Community College, Let's Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers
Fed up with all their demands and complaints, Julian tells everyone that he is leaving the trailer park. Ricky, who has been living in Julian's car on his front lawn, has one week to find a new place to live.
Take Your Little Gun and Get Out of My Trailer Park
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Season 1
Take Your Little Gun and Get Out of My Trailer Park
After 18 months in jail, our Trailer Park Boys, Ricky (Robb Wells) and Julian (Jean Paul Tremblay), head back home to Sunnyvale Trailer Park aiming to get their lives back together again.